Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Am I a Dork?

I don't really get much free time, and then it's usually at night when everyone is asleep. What do normal people do with their free time? Do they blog more or do they -
- watch the New Moon trailer multiple times when they're feeling down (watch it on Hulu!)?
- practice twists and braids on their daughter's My Little Pony because they're still waiting for lovely African hair to style for real?
- read Us Weekly cover to cover while curling their lip in disgust and/or gleeful derision?
- skip exercise because going up and down stairs ten times a day and lifting/carrying a 27 pound toddler already counts?
- sacrifice sleep to keep reading a good book (current sleep stealer: An Accomplished Woman)?
- compose angry letters to editors/congressman in their heads, but never get around to actually writing them?
- look for things on ebay that they have no intention of buying?
- watch stupid videos on youtube like Christopher Walken reciting Lady Gaga (my husband, not me)?
- procrastinate doing things like bills, laundry, shower in favor of puttering on the computer or reading (Mom, I know you know what I'm talkin' about)?
- do devotions on a very sporadic schedule?
Okay, that last one's not dorky so much as lazy.
Sometimes I feel like Hugh Grant in About A Boy, measuring out my activities by time units.
Although, he had a LOT more free time than me.

13+ Months Waiting...

Our agency officially upped the waiting times today. They have been telling families 12-18 months for a while now, but at this point most families have been waiting 17+ months. They are currently giving referrals to families waiting since June, 2008. They are now quoting 16-24 months. I saw it coming, but it is horrible to see for real. I'm peeved today, but hopefully we will be on the shorter end since we have already been waiting this long. Theoretically, 24 months would apply to families that submitted dossiers more recently. Theoretically...