AAAAAH! Can you hear me screaming in disbelief and delight????
I just got a phone call today that we have a tentative court date of July 29. They won't tell us what the first court date is (when the birth family are going), but they will let us know sometime in the next two weeks if all went well. Then we get to buy tickets!! Oh my gosh, I might actually be leaving for Ethiopia in three and a half weeks. I am totally shocked. I wasn't sure if we would make the court closure or not, and now it looks like we will be in the first group of families from our agency to go before the judge. Can you say "nerve-racking"? I am having serious feelings of anxiety that I was not expecting. But I am so excited!!! Coincedentally, July 29 is Child #2's birthday. So I will probably be feeling some mother guilt on top of it all. So much to do!!!!!